Welcome to our blog post about the September birthstone - the yellow sapphire! This gorgeous gemstone has been cherished for centuries for its vibrant yellow hue and mystical properties. If you or a loved one were born in September, you are in luck as the yellow sapphire is your designated birthstone. In this post, we will dive into the history, meanings, and benefits of this beautiful gem, and why you should consider buying a yellow sapphire for yourself or as a gift for someone special. So, let's get started and discover the wonders of the yellow sapphire!


Yellow sapphire, known as "pukhraj" in many cultures, carries a rich history and is surrounded by captivating lore. Historically, it was revered by ancient civilizations for its celestial yellow hue, believed to be a solidified form of divine light. In Vedic astrology, yellow sapphire is associated with the planet Jupiter, symbolizing wisdom, prosperity, and academic success. Legends tell of travelers carrying this gemstone as a protective talisman, ensuring safe passage and shielding them from harm. Throughout history, yellow sapphire has been a symbol of nobility and faithfulness; kings and priests often adorned themselves with this gemstone to signify their authority and divine connection. The lore also suggests that wearing yellow sapphire can attract wealth and bring joy into the lives of those who wear it, making it a sought-after gemstone for centuries. Its significance transcends mere adornment, embedding yellow sapphire with a profound spiritual and cultural essence that continues to enchant people around the globe.


• HARDNESS - Yellow sapphire is very hard, making it durable. It ranks 9 on the Mohs scale. This means it can last a long time even if you wear it every day.

• COLOR - It has a bright yellow color. The color comes from tiny amounts of iron in the stone. Some are light yellow, while others are deeper gold.

CLARITY - This gem often has fewer marks or spots inside it. High clarity means it looks clear and beautiful.

SHINE - It has a special shine, known as luster. This makes the gem look shiny and bright, catching the eye.

POSITIVE ENERGY - People believe it brings happiness and good energy. It's thought to make you feel more positive and calm.

WEALTH - It's said to attract wealth. Many wear it hoping to increase their money or success in business.

PROTECTION - Some think yellow sapphire protects them from danger. This could be physical harm or negative feelings.

HEALTH - It's also linked to better health. This might be stronger bodies or healing from sickness.

WISDOM - Wearing it might make you wiser. This means making better decisions or understanding complex ideas.


Most people born in September think of a blue stone when they think of their birthstone. This is because, traditionally, the blue sapphire is linked with September. However, why stick to the usual when you can choose something unique and vibrant? A fancy yellow sapphire is a beautiful alternative that brings a fresh twist to tradition. Yellow sapphire, with its bright and cheerful hue, offers a different kind of beauty that stands out. This gemstone is not only about looks; it also carries meaningful symbolism and benefits, just like its blue counterpart. So, for those celebrating a September birthday, consider making a statement with a gorgeous fancy yellow sapphire. It's a way to honor the tradition of having a sapphire as a birthstone while bringing a splash of color and uniqueness to your style.


• Choose a ring or pendant setting that lets light pass through the yellow sapphire for extra sparkle.

• Wear your yellow sapphire jewelry during the day to show off its bright color in natural light.

• Keep yellow sapphire away from harsh chemicals. Take off your jewelry when cleaning or swimming.

• Clean your yellow sapphire with mild soap and lukewarm water. Use a soft brush to remove any dirt gently.

• Dry your gemstone jewelry with a soft, lint-free cloth after washing. 

• Store your yellow sapphire pieces in a fabric-lined jewelry box or a soft pouch to avoid scratches.

• Avoid wearing yellow sapphire jewelry when doing heavy work to prevent damage.

• Get your yellow sapphire jewelry checked by a professional once a year to ensure the setting is secure.


Choosing and buying a yellow sapphire is an important decision. Here's how to do it right. First, look for a bright, clear color. The best yellow sapphires shine like the sun. Next, check for any cracks or big marks inside the stone. These can make the sapphire less strong. It's also smart to ask if the yellow sapphire has been treated in any way. Natural stones without treatments are usually more valuable. Then, think about the size. Bigger might look better, but even a small, bright sapphire can be very special. Finally, make sure you buy from a trusted place. They should know a lot about yellow sapphires and give you a certificate that says your sapphire is real. Remember, taking your time to find the perfect yellow sapphire is worth it.

Embracing the unique charm of a yellow sapphire not only adds a distinct splash of color to your collection but also invites a wealth of symbolism and benefits into your life. As we've explored, from its fascinating history to its physical and spiritual advantages, and how it serves as an unconventional yet stunning choice for September birthdays, the allure of this gemstone is undeniable. Whether you're seeking to make a style statement, invest in a piece of nature's art, or honor a special September moment, a yellow sapphire offers a radiant choice that goes beyond the ordinary.'s selection features exquisite Ceylon unheated yellow sapphires, renowned for their natural beauty and purity. These premium gemstones are sourced directly from the mines of Sri Lanka, ensuring that you receive a product of unmatched quality. By choosing our natural pukhraj stones, you're opting for stones that have retained their original color and structure without artificial treatments. Perfect for those who appreciate the true essence of gemstones, our collection promises authenticity and elegance, making your jewelry not just an accessory but a timeless treasure.


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